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  5. Instructor Notifications

Instructor Notifications

Instructor Notifications

Instructors can setup notifications using the Learndash Notifications addon for various triggers.

It will enable various Instructors present on your website to setup custom email notifications for various triggers offered by LearnDash Notifications.

Notifications menu view on Instructor Dashboard

After our recent update of version 3.3.0, the Instructor Role plugin now finally provides compatibility with the LearnDash Notifications Addon.

First things first, to get the feature working on your website. we request you to make sure you have the following versions of the plugins

  • Instructor Role –  v3.3.0 or above
  • LearnDash Notifications – v1.3.0 or above

You can also select various Instructors associated with the course as a recipient for your notifications when setting up a notification.

Instructor Recipient in Notification Settings 

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