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What is the difference between Groups and Groups Plus? 

The key differences are that your customers can purchase and create their own Organization with Groups Plus and manage it on the front end giving the customer complete control. They can assign their own Team Leaders to manage their Teams, and can grade assignments, essays, and view and print reports all on the front end. 

Can I convert my LearnDash Groups I’ve already created into Organizations?

Yes, simply go to Groups Plus → Settings, scroll down to Upgrade LearnDash Groups to Organizations. Check the box for Convert LearnDash Groups to Organizations and click ‘Convert’.

Can I create a private Organization?

Yes! You can create public Organizations (which can be sold on your site to your customers), or create private Organizations and sell/provide directly to a specific customer. 

What capabilities would my customer have within their organization?

The customer can not only purchase and create their own Organization on the front end, they can also create Teams, create and assign Team Leaders, create and enroll Team members (users), view detailed reporting, grade assignments and essays, purchase additional seats, and communicate directly with the Team Leaders or Team members. And all of this can be done on the front end providing an enhanced user experience. 

What is the difference between the ‘LearnDash Organization product’ and the ‘LearnDash Organization group product’? 

With the ‘LearnDash Organization product’, the customer can select the courses they want within their Organization. Each course becomes a Team. They can also purchase the exact number of seats they need for each Team. After purchasing, they can then add Team Leaders and Team members to those Teams. The ‘LearnDash Organization group product’ is a pre-created Organization that you build on the back end with the specific courses, and number of seats available. When a customer purchases the ‘LearnDash Organization group product’, they can then create their own Teams, add the courses, Team Leader and Team members to each Team. Both options have the ability to purchase additional Seats if needed. 

Can I connect BuddyBoss to my Organizations? 


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