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  3. MemberDash
  4. MemberDash Shortcodes
  5. [ms-protect-content]


Wrap this around any content to protect it for/from certain members (based on their Membership level)

  • id (ID list) Required. One or more membership IDs. Shortcode is triggered when the user belongs to at least one of these memberships
  • access (yes|no) Defines if members of the memberships can see or not see the content Default: yes
  • silent (yes|no) Silent protection removes content without displaying any message to the user Default: no
  • msg (Text) Provide a custom protection message. This will only be displayed when silent is not true Default: “”


[ms-protect-content id=”1″] Only members of membership-1 can see this! [/ms-protect-content]

[ms-protect-content id=”2,3″ access=”no” silent=”yes”] Everybody except members of memberships 2 or 3 can see this! [/ms-protect-content]

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