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  5. MemberDash Modules Pro-rating

MemberDash Modules Pro-rating

Note: To view a list of all available add-ons and enable the ones you want, navigate to MemberDash >Modules

Pro-Rating is applied when a user upgrades/downgrades a membership. Not when he cancels and subscribes in two steps.

When a user cancels a membership he keeps access to the membership until the current period expires (exception: permanent access expires instantly)

When Multiple Memberships Add-on is disabled

Changing a membership always expires the old memberships and adds a subscription for the new membership in one step. Pro Rating is always applied here.

When Multiple Memberships Add-on is enabled

Only when you manually set the “Cancel and Pro-Rate” setting in the Upgrade Paths settings of the membership then the change is recognized as upgrade/downgrade. In this case the old membership is deactivated when the new subscription is created.

If you do not set this option the default logic applies: The user can access the old membership for the duration he paid, even when he cancels earlier. So no Pro-Rating then.

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