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  5. MemberDash Invoices

MemberDash Invoices

View Invoices

To view all your invoices, in your WordPress admin navigate to MemberDash > Billing

Here you will see a list of all your invoices with the following columns of information:  INVOICE #, USER, MEMBERSHIP STATUS, DISCOUNT, TOTAL, DUE DATE and GATEWAY.

If you need to create an invoice manually, you can click the Create Membership button.

There’s also a button there that allows you to view the transaction logs.

Customizing Invoices 

To customize the information shown in the invoices that are emailed to your customers, navigate to MemberDash > Settings > Payment.

Here you can select the desired currency, as well as enter an Invoice Sender Name, Billing Address, Company Name and Company VAT/TAX Number.

All this information will be in the invoices that get sent to your customers.

Additional Invoice Settings

There are some additional invoice settings available beyond the default information we just looked at. To enable these extra settings, navigate to MemberDash > Modals and click the switch to enable Additional Invoice Settings.

Then you can click the Settings link to open the modal at MemberDash > Settings.

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