Why You Should Start Creating Your Course Today

By: Justin Ferriman • January 8, 2018
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You have an idea for a course but you haven’t started it yet. There is one reason why you should start sooner rather than later.

I’m not going to lie: creating an online course can be challenging. If anyone tells you that you can have it up in a weekend then they are trying to fool you.

All you need to do is ask anyone who has ever created a course and they will tell you the amount of work they put into it. Sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated, but if you care about the topic and have a deep desire to start your online course business then it’s a time sacrifice worth making.

Your course might be the best in its field, but if you never release it then you won’t make any money. And let me tell you something that I know for a fact: the online course industry is only going to become more and more competitive.

The longer you wait, the more competition you will have and the harder it is going to be to gain visibility. Not impossible, but harder each year.

E-Learning Growth = More Competition

It is no secret that the e-learning industry is in a massive boom phase. By 2025 it is projected to be a $325 billion industry. Not all of that will be coming form online courses but a big chunk of it will be. It’s yours for the taking but you can rest assured that there will be others looking to get their slice of the online education pie.

The sooner you get your course up and running then the sooner you will be making sales. You can establish your presence in your niche before others come rushing to do the same.

It’s no accident that I am writing this in January of the new year. What better time to commit yourself to finally completing your online course and starting your business. Start now and don’t wait any longer! 🙂

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter