Rest, Reflect, Plan, Act!

By: Justin Ferriman • December 12, 2016
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The end of the year can often be the busiest as we make time for the holidays, friends, and family.

Things can get so busy that personally I welcome the regular working schedule after the hectic holiday season.

But the end of the year is also a great time to recharge and rejuvenate your business or career.

Often times all it takes is a little time away from work to come up with your most creative ideas.

Take time to rest.

Disconnect from you computer and phone for a bit. Stop reading up on the latest tech blogs and industry trends (they will still be there when you get back). Sure you will feel some angst about not being connected but in time that will subside. I have found that disconnecting eliminates distractions and I am able to think more clearly.

As you rest, reflect on the past year.

Recall the things that you did and the strides you have made. In business and in life it is easy to always be looking ahead. Acknowledge your achievements because at one point these too were your future plans.

As you think back on the year, also take note of lessons you have learned. In life it is okay to make mistakes. That’s how we learn and grow. It’s less okay to make those same mistakes again and again.

Reflecting on your accomplishments and opportunity areas with a clear mind will make it easier for you to make plans for the upcoming year.

These can be both personal and professional goals you want to accomplish. Here’ s a tip: when you make your list of goals give them a “due date” and add frequent reminders on your calendar. This will help to keep you accountable.

When the new year kicks-off you will then be ready to put your plans into action, and you will have the energy and enthusiasm necessary to see them through.

This December take a moment for yourself. Get some rest, reflect on your past year, make some plans, and then take action in 2017! 🙂

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter