Copy This Proven E-Learning Gamification Strategy

By: Justin Ferriman • August 10, 2018
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Everyone says that you should use gamification in your online course, but rarely do they tell you how to do it.

You have heard of gamification and you like the idea of having it for your online courses yet you are not sure where to start. The more you look into it the more overwhelming the entire process seems.

Do you use badges and points?

What should the badges look like?

Do certificates play a part in the learning program?

What about notifications for follow-ups, rewards, and reminder?

How do you get people to understand the value of the gamification elements?

These are questions people often have to answer when implementing gamification, but I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be so complicated! 🙂

Start it simple with a points only approach.

I will admit, points aren’t exciting.

Most people want to have flashy badges and digital currencies associated with their course content. The truth is however that this can be extremely difficult to do correctly. You first have to create a culture of gamification, and while you certainly can have all of this from “day one”, you can also work your way towards that end goal by starting off with points.

In the video above I outline a proven method for base-lining your learners about your gamification program by using a point-only approach. It’s simple and effective. You won’t need to spend weeks getting it configured either. Set aside just a few hours and you’re good to go.

You may decide to add badges at a later date, but if you don’t then you will still reap the benefits of this proven gamification plan!

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter