Are You Victim of “Ready-Set” Syndrome?

By: Justin Ferriman • March 16, 2016
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comp-deskIf you were to ask an audience of 100 people if they would classify themselves as a “perfectionist”, a good number of them would probably say “no”.

The truth is that isn’t really a good question because “perfectionism” is subjective.

I believe we are all perfectionists in our own right depending on the activity.

In general, if it’s something we really care about then we become a bit more obsessed with the details. We want everything to go “right” at the very beginning.

Okay, so what does this have to do with elearning?

So often I see people start creating an online course with good intentions but it ultimately never is launched.

People fall subject to the “ready-set” syndrome.

That is, they never press “GO”!

For what it’s worth let me just say that you will never feel fully ready to release your online course. In your mind there will always be something to make better.

Be it graphics, workflow, sales copy, and so on. You can tweak and tinker forever.

But to realize any amount of success in online course sales you need to eventually pull the trigger. You need to launch it, market it, and get the word out.

You have to start content marketing, networking with others, building an email list, and securing your initial customers.

This is the most important part of the entire business model. Your initial customer feedback is going to help you make your course even better and more applicable to your target market.

Don’t fall victim to the “ready-set” syndrome. Press “go” so that your journey can continue.

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter