6 Ways to Make Your ELearning Stick

By: Justin Ferriman • March 6, 2014
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Edtech-imageElearning design and development requires more than just a converted PowerPoint presentation. In order for learning content to stick, you should employ some of the latest instructional design strategies.

Before getting into the various methods for enhancing elearning courses, I think it is important to point out something. It is tempting as an instructional designer to over-train (or over-do) the various learning strategies.

Just because something works doesn’t mean it should be used in all situations. Rather than overload the with modern design theory, make sure that the theory matches the content and audience.

That said, if you are curious on how you can enhance your elearning modules. Consider employing some of the following methods:

1. Imitation

Using imitation is a great way to teach a new skill. Allowing users to imitate by observation helps to solidify the content.

2. Guidance

The important thing to remember with guidance is that it should be deliberate with routines to follow and a standard procedure.

3. Exploration

In this strategy, you allow the learner to take the initiative and control their learning experience.

4. Experimentation

Learners combine the various possibilities and employ modification as necessary in the attempt to apply the content in another context.

5. Creation

Giving the learner the chance to create within an elearning program forces the them to think about the content in a proactive, constructive manner.

6. Reflection

Implementing areas of reflection in a training course give the learner the opportunity to think about and understand what it is they learned, and how they may apply it.


Shift ELearning

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter