2 Critical Components of Selling Courses

By: Justin Ferriman • September 23, 2014
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two2Selling an online course is a lot easier than you may think, but there is also a misconception that all you have to do is create a course one-time and begin collecting payments.

While this is true to some extent, your job is not done when the course starts selling. In fact, quite the opposite!

When people start to buy into what you are selling, you have two major commitments you need to deliver on:

  1. Continuous maintenance & improvement
  2. Customer service

If you fail to take care of these two items, then you will not be in business for very long. Once you finish creating version 1.0 of your course, you should always look for ways to make it better. In some respects, this is necessary just because of the latest trends.

For example, design trends are constantly changing. As such, your visuals in your courses should also be updated to reflect these changes. There are multiple benefits to doing so, one major reason being that it prevents your courses from looking dated. Old visuals leads people to assume that the content too is out-of-date.

Your customers will also provide you actionable feedback on potential update ideas, as well as notify you of any quirks in the course design, text, or functionality. This leads to the second important point – standing by (and listening) to your customers.

Sure, not every idea that is presented to you can be implemented into your courses, but some certainly can (and should) make there way into them.

Your customers will appreciate the dedication you have to keeping your product relevant. When customers are happy, they tell others. When customers are not happy, they tell everyone! While it is impossible to make everyone happy 100% of the time, you can never be at fault for genuine effort.

If you’re currently selling courses (or are thinking about doing so) and wish to keep doing so into the foreseeable future, then you will do well to keep these two critical course selling components in mind.

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter