Snowed In? Pass Time with ELearning!

By: Justin Ferriman • January 7, 2014
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trainingIf you live in the United States, you may be going through a pretty rough winter.

The LearnDash office is located in Ann Arbor (Michigan), and we have been seeing one of the worst winters in years. I’m talking about -25 degrees Fahrenheit (-29 Celsius), 16 inches of snow, and a blistering 15mph wind that goes right through you.

Needless to say, not much activity is happening outside of the house – so what do you do to pass the time?

Sure, television can provide a few hours of entertainment, but at some point it is worthwhile to do something productive. Well, why not take an elearning course?

There are a lot of directions you could go depending on what you are interested in learning. If you want to take a general course on a topic you happen to enjoy, it might be worth checking out Coursera or edX. Both services offer a wide range of courses covering a variety of topics. Best of all, they are free!

If you are more interested in learning a particular skill, then you should check out Their site is littered with training on topics from computer programming to leadership. Other similar options include SkillShare and Udemy.

All of these programs are paid courses, but if find something of value in them, then they are certainly worth the investment.

If you are interested in programming, check out Codecademy. They have a nice amount of free training programs with interactive exercises.

If you are interested in some more specific courses related to elearning, then you can’t go wrong with the ones offered by ASTD.

No matter what you are looking for, there is likely an elearning course available on the subject. And hey, if you don’t find one, then perhaps you should consider creating and selling it using LearnDash!

To those of you who are trapped by snow, stay warm!

Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter