History of Classroom Technology [INFOGRAPHIC]

By: Justin Ferriman • October 9, 2013
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It seems that with each passing year, the traditional K-12 classroom is in the process of implementing a new form of technology – it has really never been a more exciting time to be a young student!

The new gadgets of today like the tablet and smartphone are opening a world of possibilities when it comes to learning. We are now seeing more and more flipped classrooms, blended learning approaches, and creative lesson plans.

Things were a bit different when I was in grade school. We had some of the modern conveniences (the desktop computer was just really starting to pick-up in popularity).  Although at that time I approached computers as a way to play games like Oregon Trail, and not really for learning purposes.

No, for me, learning was still chalkboard (and later “dry erase board”) driven.  Then for a while overhead projectors had their time in the spotlight, but soon enough those were replaced.

Reflecting on these different technologies made me curious about the history of classroom technology. A quick second later a Google search resulted in this nice infographic (created by Ban Nguyen for the University of Phoenix) depicting the evolution of classroom technology in the United States.

It’s funny, because I almost forgot about some of these items, such as the B.F. Skinner Teaching Machine (not that I used one, but I do remember learning about it).

Fast forward to today and we have all kinds of fancy APIs, open-source learning management systems, digital gamification, flexible quizzes, detailed reports, and more.  I can only wonder what the next generation will include on their infographic on dated classroom technology!


Justin Ferriman

Justin started LearnDash, the WordPress LMS trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major universities, training organizations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is currently founder & CEO of GapScout. Justin’s Homepage | GapScout | Twitter